
Buy Best Chikki Online in India: Winter is the Best Time to Buy!

Best Chikki in India

Do You Love Chikki?

The temptation for Chikki is irresistible even though you might want to limit consumption. The sweet and salty taste of jaggery and peanuts is enough to find yourself looking for another! While it might have been a great winter snack, its calories and sweetness might make you question its consumption.

Most people who enjoy Chikki know that there is no season to enjoy it. In fact, many manufacturers mass produce & stock it, so that you enjoy your delicious snack 365 days.

Best Chikki in India

In India, you’ll find famous & unforgettable Chikki in Maharashtra & Madhya Pradesh. The famous crispy and textured sweet is widely available all over the states. If you are looking for traditional and handcrafted Chikki, you’ll find yourself ending up with Shahi Food Products’ Desi Chikki. 

Shahi Food Products has been creating delicious and crispy Chikki for decades while maintaining the taste.

Which Chikki is Best?

Shahi Food Products’ Desi Chikki is widely famous. Everyone who tastes it will find it hard to get over the taste. You’ll find desi Chikki in various sizes, varying from 400gm to pocket pieces. Another variation of Shahi Food Products is peanut soan Gajak which is a form of Chikki. It is loaded with the goodness of Peanut, jaggery, liquid glucose and a pinch of sugar. It’s too soon to judge a Chikki before trying it, hence, you must try it to have a judgment.

It can be your Chikki bar on the go or your nutritional after-meal snack. With Shahi Food Products you can have Chikki any way you like. The mixed taste of Peanuts, Jaggery and Cardamom is so rich in taste that you’ll find yourself reaching for another in no time.

Best Chikki Manufacturer in India

India is rich in the production of Chikki, it’s no surprise that these Chikki manufacturers will blow your mind with amazing sweet dumplings. You can get your hands on one of the finest Chikkis across India in no time by ordering Chikki online. Here’s a list of the best Chikki manufacturers in India, that can give you the winter sweet you crave so bad!

  1. Shahi food Products – Gwalior
  2. Narayanji Gajakwale Pvt Ltd – Rajasthan
  3. Khatri Tilpatti Bhandar – Rajasthan
  4. Jay Chikki And Snacks Pvt. Ltd – Gujarat

8 Places You Must Travel To This Winter For The Best Chikki Treat

People who are obsessed with food or who are big-time foodies can travel miles for their favourites. Similar to food, some people have high cravings for sweets. Adding to their cravings and urging you to explore a bit, if you ever wish to travel to taste one of the finest delicacies, you should visit these places this winter

1. Gwalior, Madhya Pradesh

Everyone who lives in Gwalior knows that Shahi Food Products is famous for Chikki among other sweets. Be prepared to be served with one of the finest, hand-made Chikkis of all time! Especially during the winter season, the stores are jam-packed with people ordering their favourite Desi Chikki.

2. Panchgani, Maharashtra

Panchgani is equally famous for strawberries as it is for Chikkis. People from nearby areas travel especially to get their hands on these yummy sweets. If you are planning a road trip to Panchgani, make sure you try these for sure!

3. Lonavala, Maharashtra  

Lonavala needs no introduction as most people around Mumbai & Pune remember it as a quick pitstop for delicious Chikkis. Most people visit during the winter or rainy season to indulge in awesome weather and crispy Chikki, but you can always find them 365 days!

4.  Rajkot, Gujrat

The name Rajkot might remind you of Bhandi Sarees, but did you know, they are also famous for Chikkis? Yes, you can visit the local stores to taste refreshing & yummy, crispy Chikkis. So, next time you visit Rajkot to buy sarees, make sure you make a pit stop at the local stores!

5. Bangalore, Karnataka

Not a first choice, but hey, remember, good food can be found anywhere! And secondly, let’s not forget, South India is also famous for its delicious sweets and delicacies. When wandering in Bangalore, you can stumble around some of the famous Chikki manufacturers, who happen to serve the best ones in the city.

6. Delhi, Delhi

Everyone knows that Delhi is the food capital of North India! With its varieties, endless flavours & wide availability of mouth-watering dishes, we can’t really compare Delhi with any other city! Anyways, whenever you are in Delhi, do visit the local shops to find your delicious snack!

Which State Is Famous For Chikki?

Chikki lovers can travel anywhere in India to taste what they crave. Some people might have fixed preferences, but those who like to explore can definitely visit these states. You’ll taste some of the amazing Chikki here for sure. These states offer one of the finest Chikki in India! Let’s check out which states give us the best Chikkis of all time.

  • Madhya Pradesh
  • Rajasthan
  • Maharashtra
  • Delhi
  • Haryana
  • Punjab

 I’m sure these places do not need any advertising. Once you try these yummy Chikkis you’ll definitely be coming back for more.

The Bottom Line

With winter and the festive season around the corner, need I say anything about heading to our nearest stores and buying your pack of our delicacies? There will be endless reasons to try our famous Chikki, so why wait, when you can stock up with our best now?

Buy Best Chikki in India Now Online

Shahi Food Products has been making traditional sweets for decades. Most of them are hand-made even today, just to deliver you an unparalleled taste. You can now buy Chikki online and enjoy hassle-free, safe and timely deliveries from your favourite sweet manufacturer. You can place a quick order here.

Why Shahi Food’s Chikki is Best In India?

Shahi Food Products is known to make their Chikki hand-made even today and that is why you always taste only the best with us. We take pride in preserving decades-old recipes and always serve them with love and care.

From humble beginnings to finding its place on the shelves of the stores in every major city to being exported outside India, Shahi Food Products has left a lingering taste on the tongues of every food connoisseur. And this can be found in each of their Chikki since 1976!


About Shahi Food Products

Gwalior- the one with the glorious past. A heritage carefully safeguarded and evident in its monuments which stand tall, the vibrant culture and of course, the unadulterated taste of its local food.

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